Lots of fun and lots of learning this month.
We have been thinking about movement and proportion - today we had to put all of this into practice when drawing.
Finding out how effective seed dispersal is when plants explode their seeds.
We have been working with a partner to peers assess our writing in English.
We used a mannequin to help us explore movement in our drawings.
We have all devised our own experiment to investigate what a plant needs to grow.
We have been using concrete resources to help us to partition numbers in different ways.
In class 2 we love learning new stories, acting them out and innovating new texts. This is our latest story map.
Miss Townsend has been working in Year 3 and 4 to teach our art lesson. Our topic is all about drawing and our focus artists for the half term are Edgar Degas and Leanardo Da Vinci.
We have been measuring using bead strings, cubes and our fingers.