25 March 2020

From all at Stalmine Primary School:
To all the NHS workers, thank you.
To all those in the emergency services, thank you.
To all the mums, dads, aunties, uncles, big sisters, big brothers, nans and grandads (where appropriate and able), cousins, next door neighbours, family friends who are now looking after our pupils, thank you.
To the neighbours looking out for one another and checking in on each other, thank you.
To all of you who are having to rearrange your jobs and your lives to support your children at home, thank you.
To those of you still going into schools to look after our most vulnerable children, thank you.
To those of you who are caring for our most vulnerable and elderly, thank you.
To those of you keeping the lines of delivery open and food (and toilet paper) on the shelves, thank you.
To those of you keeping the electricity following, the gas pumping, the toilets flushing and the rubbish collecting, thank you.
To those of you keeping the country going through the DWP, finance, supporting small businesses and supporting those who need it the most, thank you.
To all of you playing your part, social distancing, staying home and helping to kick this virus out of our country, thank you.
But most of all for being such an amazing community to be a part of and for all the kind words, messages and support you have shown our school over the past few weeks, thank you.
Take care, stay safe and wash those hands!